Letters From The Editor

Look Southward

By Charlotte Jusinski It’s not terribly easy to plan and execute a magazine in a zeitgeist like this. I’m [...]

Passing the Mic

By Charlotte Jusinski What’s the point of a magazine? More specifically, what’s the point of this [...]

Self-Guided Learning

By Charlotte Jusinski One bright day back in December, I was sitting at a wobbly wooden table at Michael’s [...]

Make It New

BY CHARLOTTE JUSINSKI Do you smell that?Yeah, me too. It smells like a 2020 model car, fresh off the lot. Or [...]

Stake Your (Re)Claim

BY CHARLOTTE JUSINSKI While copy editing this issue of El Palacio this summer, I was struck by the number of [...]

A Girardian Valentine

The name of Alexander Girard’s permanent installation at the Museum of International Folk Art is Multiple [...]

Art on Defeat

BY CANDACE WALSH It’s an ancient question: what do you do with defeat? The question flows from ancient [...]

Against Minimalism

BY CANDACE WALSH Minimalism has enjoyed an unquestioned mandate for years. Clean out your closet! Banish [...]

Crash Report

BY CANDACE WALSH One of my least favorite jobs was working as a ghostwriter for a website’s figurehead. The [...]

Living History

BY CANDACE WALSH History. When I was in high school in the eighties, it was called Social Studies. My teens [...]

The Poem in the Prose

BY CANDACE WALSH When I asked Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge to contribute a poem to our Museum of Art commemorative [...]

Field Goals

BY CANDACE WALSH I loved field trips as a kid, but as a mother, I have to say that the permission slips alone [...]

Free to Be You and Me

BY CANDACE WALSH Once upon a time, I was a child in the seventies with hippie parents. Want proof? If I had [...]
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